Please complete this brief assessment on pain and physical discomfort. You'll receive feedback on where you are in terms of making health changes. It will also highlight sections within the program that can be useful to you.
Please complete this brief assessment on pain and physical discomfort. You'll receive feedback on where you are in terms of making health changes. It will also highlight sections within the program that can be useful to you.
You indicated that most of the time or sometimes you have pain or physical discomfort.
Chronic pain is difficult to deal with. It is common to experience anger and frustration when you never feel comfortable. There are several effective medical treatments to help alleviate pain - so it's important to not give up.
There are many aspects of your health that affect the experience of pain. It can be like a puzzle to figure out everything that is contributing to your pain, but once the right pieces are put together, it is possible to live a full and happy life.
You indicated that you never or rarely experience pain or physical discomfort.
You are fortunate that you never or rarely experience pain or physical discomfort. Chronic pain is among the more common health problems, so take every step possible to prevent straining or injuring yourself.
You indicated that most of the time or sometimes you engage in practices to manage your pain or physical discomfort.
Congratulations! You are to be commended for learning ways to manage your pain. Keep up the good work - and keep on learning new ways to feel good and be strong!
You indicated that you rarely engage in practices to manage your pain or physical discomfort.
Perhaps managing pain has never been something you have had to deal with, or maybe you have pain but are unfamiliar with things that you can do to make it better. In the Clear Skies program there will be information and tools on how to cope with pain should the need or interest arise.
You indicated that managing pain is one of your top goals.
This is a great place to be! You are in a good position to make important changes in the way you feel. Since chronic pain affects more than your body - making these changes can also lead to improved mental health and improvements in your activity level and enjoyment with life.
You indicated that managing your stress, low mood, or anxiety is not one of your top goals now.
Making changes and setting goals for pain management may not be on your radar for many reasons. Perhaps you are not experiencing any discomfort or maybe you have given up on changing the way that you feel.
While this may not be a top goal for you now, this may change, and there are always new ways to prevent injury, minimize discomfort, and live your fullest life!
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