Thoughts Affect Feelings

Our automatic thoughts can slip by us quickly. We may not notice how our thinking is fueling our attitude. It can be helpful to stop and take notice when you are feeling strong thoughts.

In these cases, try using a "thought stopping" strategy - plan out a positive or soothing thought and use it whenever you need to "snap out of" negative thought patterns.

The questions in the chart on this page can help you examine and challenge harmful automatic thoughts.

Select each question to assess and challenge automatic thoughts which trigger your emotions and moods.

What do you feel?

How strong is your feeling?
(rate from 0-100)

What were you doing?

What were you thinking about?

What exactly was going through your mind just before you felt this way?

Was there a particular thought that caused your strongest emotion?

What is the evidence for it; against it? If a friend looked at the evidence, what would they say?

Is there another way to view the situation? Is there anything positive about the situation?

Can you come up with a thought that reflects reality better than the harmful thought did?

What type of harmful patterns can you see in your thinking?

After you ask yourself these questions, re-rate the strength of your feelings (0-100). Ask yourself if you have any new thoughts? Is there anything more you can do?